How to improve erections

How to increase male potency

Problems with erectile dysfunction are located in men. It affects all aspects of his life and work. Men start looking for disappointing information about how to increase erections. Everything you need to know about this issue is in this article. The most important message is: "It is not a matter of being able to know. So research everything and seek professional help!

Some statistics

Disorders of potency in men (his ability to have sex) are often associated with erectile dysfunction - an increase in the size of the penis. People call this condition riser - a necessary condition for sexual intercourse.

If erectile dysfunction lasts more than three months, experts say erectile dysfunction (ED). The pathology is very common, according to statistics, it occurs in more than 50% of men aged 40 to 70 years. In one-fifth of them, the CHP is mild, in the fourth it is moderate, and in the tenth the CHP is severe. After 70 years, ED is present in 70% of men.

Why does erectile dysfunction develop?

The causes of ED can be varied, and there are usually several of them. In young men, these are sexually transmitted infections and pelvic injuries. The main causes of ED after the age of 40 are cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Regardless of age, ED is 20% more common in heavy drinkers and smokers and is more difficult to improve. People who lead a sedentary lifestyle and prefer high-calorie foods become obese, which leads to erectile dysfunction. Stress exacerbates the situation. At the same time, adipose tissue releases the female sex hormone estrogen, which suppresses testosterone function.

Obese men are also more prone to cardiovascular disease, which is the leading cause of ED, after the age of 40. Only weight loss can improve the situation. In men with strong fitness, problems with erectile dysfunction are much less common.

Top 10 Ways to Improve Erections

Strengthening an erection is, first of all, the elimination of all factors that can suppress it. Proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, exercise, and the avoidance of bad habits will help to improve its quality and duration. Many problems can be solved at home, including improving erectile function in the early stages of its deterioration.

But in any case, it is necessary to start with the advice of a doctor to avoid serious pathology. In order to permanently increase erections in men, a specialist first examines and then, based on its results, prescribes a personal selection of recovery complexes, recommendations on nutrition, lifestyle and folk remedies to restore men's strength. The Rehabilitation Complex is one of the 10 best ways to improve your erection.

Continuity of sexual activity

To improve the quality and duration of erections, experts recommend regular but meaningless sex with a proven partner.

Withdrawal promotes the cessation of blood, lymph and gonadal secretion, which is a predisposing factor for the development of prostatitis and erectile dysfunction.

Accidental sexual intercourse is a source of infection, which also contributes to the development of erectile dysfunction. Sexual excess does not even benefit - too much violent sexual intercourse can lead to penile injury.

Proper nutrition

Potency to increase vegetable salads

To improve erections, you need a complete and varied diet. The caloric content of the daily diet depends on the age and physical activity of the man. For men of medium height and with various physical activities (small - medium - high) it is as follows:

  • From 18 to 30 years - 3000 kcal;
  • From 31 to 50 years - 2900 kcal;
  • From 51 to 70 years - 2800 kcal.

These calories should be distributed as follows:

  • breakfast - 25%;
  • lunch - 35%;
  • dinner 25%;
  • snacks (2 breakfasts, lunches) - 15%.

To permanently increase erections, in the morning before meals, you need to make and drink freshly squeezed juice. It is enough to drink a glass of apple, orange or other fruit juice. You can add a little carrot (not more than a quarter of the volume), celery (1-2 tablespoons) juice or vegetable juice (dill, parsley - a tablespoon) to apple juice. These juices contain biologically active substances, necessary to strengthen erections and improve mood.

You can eat after 20-30 minutes. During this time, the juice is absorbed by the body, which quickly becomes a source of energy and a stimulator of metabolic processes. Suitable for breakfast: mushrooms and buckwheat porridge, oatmeal (it can be made with berries and pieces of fruit), any other cereal, scrambled eggs, cottage cheese with sour cream, boiled meat with vegetable salad, tea or coffee with honey. Honey is a source of easily digestible carbohydrates that quickly replenish the body with energy.

For lunch, you can eat any first course of low-fat meat, fish, mushroom or vegetable broth, stew (meatballs, meatballs), fish cooked with vegetables. It is very useful to improve the ability to eat boiled beets (containing betaine, it improves metabolism and prevents the development of cardiovascular disease), carrots, celery, garden greens, onions, garlic. For dessert - fruits, berries, fruit drinks or compote.

A good choice for dinner is seafood (with regular use, which improves the quality and duration of erections) or cooked fatty seafood (tuna, salmon) - it contains cholesterol and increased amounts of substances that are not absorbed into the tissues. to lose.

Such cholesterol is used in the synthesis of testosterone and other substances that improve erections, do not accumulate in the walls of blood vessels in the form of cholesterol plaques and prevent the development of cardiovascular disease. It is recommended to eat fish 2-3 times a week. Suitable for dinner vegetable salads, boiled chicken, cottage cheese.

Snacks can be 2-3:

  • 2 breakfasts - nuts, fruits, green tea are recommended;
  • afternoon snack - vegetable salad, nuts, juice or smoothie;
  • Before going to bed - a glass of yogurt or kefir.

Useful foods to increase erection: lean meat, fatty seafood, seafood (they contain a lot of zinc and selenium, it synthesizes testosterone, they allow to improve sexual function), milk and dairy products, beets, carrots, celery, parsley, dill, onions, garlic, dried apricots, figs. Be sure to eat nuts every day - they are good for increasing the duration of the erectile phase.

potency for nuts

You can strengthen erections, get rid of the following diet: fatty meats, sausages, fried foods, confectionery, various sweets, sweetened carbonated beverages, frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages, especially beer.

Just the potency needed for proper regular nutrition, it improves metabolism, activates blood circulation and promotes rapid filling of the penis with blood.

Gymnastics and sports

Urologists and sexologists know how to stimulate an erection by increasing physical activity. There is no single prescription for all men, recommendations are made individually depending on the age and health of the person.

Young men (18-30 years old) are best suited for sports such as running, swimming, and various outdoor games (football, volleyball, tennis). All of these sports increase muscle strength, improve blood circulation, increase blood flow to the pelvic organs, which increases erection and sexual satisfaction. After a few weeks of exercising, most young children report a significant increase in their sexual potential.

Important: Moderate exercise has a strong positive effect on men's health, too large loads can not increase, but reduce the duration of erections.

For strong men, exercise after the age of 30 is also beneficial for maintaining a good erection, but it is necessary to reduce the intensity of the load. Swimming works especially well for people of all ages, including the elderly - it increases overall endurance, trains muscles, strengthens blood vessels, and significantly improves overall quality of life.

Some sports have a negative effect on erections. These include cycling, equestrian sports, car racing, and other forms of long-distance sitting and shaking.

However, exercise is not a substitute for therapeutic exercise. How to normalize an erection with the help of special exercises, the doctor will tell the physical therapist (exercise therapy), and the instructor will show LFO.

A. , an American physician of the last century in the middle of the well-known and popular exercises developed a good strong erection to form. Kegel. He recommends a set of physical exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and, most importantly, the pubococcygeal muscles involved in the erection (LMB, muscle love). Today on the Internet you can find many options for Kegel exercises, they explain in detail how to achieve a stable erection.

Potency for exercise

The simplest, but at the same time the most effective option for increasing potency at home:

  • need to find the muscle mass; to do this, the flow of urine during urination must be blocked by voluntary muscle contraction; this action is performed by the LMB;
  • strain several times a day, and then relax the LMB at the same time; do 5-10 exercises for 3 seconds first, then gradually increase the time to 15 seconds; methods can be multiplied, but everything must be done gradually; this contributes to a significant increase in erections.

By doing these exercises regularly, you can achieve the following results:

  • support the pelvic organs in the correct position, strengthen the paints, increase the protection of internal organs;
  • Improving blood circulation and innervation of the genitals, because the nerves and blood vessels that feed them pass through the LCM;
  • removal of prostatitis, including prostatitis, improve its function in the gland;
  • increase metabolism, which improves erections because it leads to increased testosterone synthesis;
  • Nitric oxide - the main substance that promotes vasodilation and blood flow to the penis during sexual arousal, it improves erection, increasing the duration and quality of sex; it intensifies, early ejaculation is suppressed;
  • Increase satisfaction in intimate life, have a strong family.


You can find a lot of information on how to increase erectile function with massage. Unfortunately, the tips are not always adequate, especially when it comes to penis massage. Experienced masseurs and chiropractors know that massage is not always the most effective treatment for injuries.

Massage of distant parts of the body, which can have a positive effect on sexual disorders, is reflexively associated with the sexual system, which leads to the normalization of its function. These may be sessions performed by a massage therapist:

  • General Wellness Massage - perfectly stimulates the whole body, improves blood circulation and metabolism, maintains male strength, increases self-confidence;
  • Segmental massage - performed by a specialist, this type of effect stimulates the circulation of the small pelvis, the functioning of the reproductive system, and allows you to quickly increase sexual satisfaction.

How to improve erection massage on your own? You can increase erectile function and potency at home with the help of a jar. If you use a glass massage properly, it can increase blood circulation in the genital area and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. It also has a strong reflex effect on the hormonal centers in the brain, increasing sensitivity and sexual satisfaction.

Every loved one helps to improve erection and improve its quality. This requires suction cups with rubber caps and massage cream.

Potency to increase massage

Coupling massage is performed on a man's abdomen. The skin of the lumbar region is lubricated with a massage cream and placed in a jar at the bottom of the sacrum at a distance of 2 cm from the spine. When the skin is drawn to the jar to a maximum height of 1 cm, carefully move it to the end of the lumbar region along the spine, trying not to break its density. The jar is then slowly and carefully moved down.

If the vessel is made in a circular motion in one direction, an even better result can be achieved - vertical ascent and descent.

The first massage session is performed for 2-3 minutes on each side of the spine. Finally, the jar should be lifted vertically in the direction of venous blood. After the session, the skin's veins dilate, causing permanent redness of the skin. At the same time, there is a maximum reflex dilation of the blood vessels that carry blood to the small pelvis.

Arterial blood flow, venous blood and lymph flow are restored, stagnation is eliminated. Carrying out a glass of massage at home, you can improve potency, increase the duration of erections.

In total, men can take 8-10 procedures daily. In the future, you can increase the time of the procedure to 5-6 minutes on each side. This allows you to increase male potency.

Physiotherapy procedures

Properly selected physiotherapy procedures will help each patient to improve sexual function. Only a physician can tell you how to increase the time of erection with the help of physiotherapy.

Depending on the condition of the patient, his age, the presence of concomitant diseases, the following types of procedures to strengthen the erection are prescribed:

  • Elimination of neurotic disorders, restoration of sleep - electrophoresis with sedatives in the neck area, electric sleep, etc. b. ;
  • Restoration of blood circulation and normal nutrition of pelvic tissues - magnetotherapy, laser therapy, rectal electrical stimulation; electric mud treatment;
  • stimulating the synthesis and secretion of hormones in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, which in turn stimulates the production of hormones and improves sexual function in general - transcerebral ultra-high frequency therapy, ozone therapy; This in turn can significantly increase the duration of erections.

Great results can be achieved with the help of spa treatments. Here, the hardware types of physiotherapy procedures are combined with the influence of natural factors - balneotherapy and mud therapy, which allows you to raise the erection to a new level and achieve full sexual satisfaction. It is better to go to the resort on the advice of a doctor, he will choose the most suitable sanatorium for this patient. Extensive experience in the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases in the sanatoriums of the Caucasus Mineral Water.


The millennial experience of Chinese medicine is now accepted all over the world. Exposure to acupuncture points (AC) located on the surface of the body through energy channels (meridians) leads to a significant increase in erections. These procedures can increase male potency even without the use of medication.

Acupuncture to increase potency

Ancient Chinese physicians believed that Chi energy, which is responsible for the functioning of all organs and systems, moves along the meridians, modern medicine explains the therapeutic effect by reflex communication between AT and various internal organs. AT EFFECTS:

  • acupuncture;
  • acupressure;
  • cauterization (heating) with smoked tobacco and some other methods.

The number of procedures required to improve erections, the intervals, and the points of impact (prescriptions) are determined by the reflexologist. The course of reflexology allows you to achieve maximum improvement of sexual ability, get a strong strong erection, maintain a good mood, increase self-esteem.


This is the most important component of a comprehensive treatment of erectile dysfunction, as it is often accompanied by neurotic disorders. Even if there is a clear link between cardiovascular disease and ED, the symptoms of neurosis will add up over time. Against this background, a man loses self-confidence, which leads to failure not only in bed, but also at work and in communication with others.

A course of psychotherapy helps to restore mental balance, increase self-esteem, improve family and social ties, and maintain a stable neuropsychological state.

Medical treatment

How to increase the duration of an erection with the help of medication, can only tell the attending physician after examination. Today, a variety of drugs are being developed to enhance the function of the male reproductive system. A competent professional will almost always be able to help a man increase his erection, even in the most difficult and neglected cases.

The most effective means for improving erectile function and obtaining a stable erection are drugs from the group of inhibitors FED-5 (phosphodiesterase type 5 enzyme).

The action of these drugs is associated with the rapid relaxation of vascular smooth muscle and the suppression of the function of the enzyme that breaks down the substance responsible for blood flow to the genitals, p. a. erection. Medications of this group can significantly improve erections and improve quality of life.

IFED-5 can only be purchased at a pharmacy with a doctor's prescription. They are very good for prolonging the duration of erections, but are contraindicated in severe diseases of the internal organs, especially in diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver and optic nerve. They should not be taken at the same time as nitroglycerin and antihypertensive drugs (BP) - this can lead to a sharp drop in blood pressure and loss of consciousness.

If the IFED-5 group of drugs is contraindicated for men, the doctor may choose another treatment that also causes the duration of the erection. The specialist will always find a method to increase erection in men and improve the quality of intimate relationships.

dietary supplements

Biologically active food supplements (BAAs) that improve sexual activity can be taken to improve erections with minor disorders at any age.

People's funds

How to improve erection in men with the help of folk remedies, better consult a doctor. There are folk remedies for calming the blood flow to the genitals, releasing hormones, and relieving increased anxiety. What to choose and whether they can be combined with a specific patient in order to increase sexual performance, only competent advice can be given by a specialist.

Folk remedies for strengthening male strength:

  1. With erectile dysfunction associated with infectious and inflammatory processes of the genitals:
    • Anti-inflammatory decoction - a mixture of dried and crushed leaves of white birch, ordinary hazelnuts, rhubarb, taken in 2 tablespoons; Put a tablespoon of the mixture in a glass of boiling water in a thermos overnight; in the morning strain and take a third of a glass three times a day for half an hour before meals; relieves inflammation and swelling of tissues, suppresses the activity of infectious factors, strengthens the immune system, improves erections; course of treatment - 4 weeks;
    • Decoction of dead bees - bodies of dead bees containing antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory active substances; pour a tablespoon of pesticides in hot water, boil for an hour, filter, add boiling water to the initial level and drink a tablespoon before breakfast and lunch for a month; In this way you can improve your intimate life;
    • Against the background of hormonal deficiency, to increase it:
      • take a tablespoon of parsley juice 3 times a day for half an hour before meals, replacing it with celery juice in the same dose; course of treatment - 4-6 weeks; These plants contain phytohormones, which can normalize hormonal levels, increase libido, improve erection quality; such stimulation is well suited for older men;
      • 50 dried (but not roasted) pumpkin seeds daily; course 4-6 weeks; also increases the secretion of male sex hormones; The seeds can improve libido and increase male potency.
      • With erectile dysfunction associated with various circulatory disorders:
        • boiled bark and aspen buds; pour a tablespoon of dried herb mixture in 0, 5 liters of water, boil for 20 minutes, leave for another hour, then filter and sweeten with four cups of honey three times a day; course - 4 wear; Promotes vasodilation, can improve the quality and duration of erections in old age;
        • Eat 5 fresh cloves of garlic every day, you can do this 30-40 minutes before sex - an "ambulance" for an erection.

If a man has a problem with how to strengthen an erection, then only a doctor can give the right advice. In some cases, no treatment is required to maintain a normal erection or a slight improvement, it will be enough to change your lifestyle and diet.

However, people often seek medical attention, especially if they are elderly. Still, don't despair! In any case, an experienced urologist-andrologist can improve the quality of erections and increase a man's sexual potential.